Thursday, December 30, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Keeping the body guessing

Recently discovered Auqua Zumba and  Kickboxing with Laurel, TRX, kettleballs and other great things to keep my body guessing and of the plateau.

Mercy Healthplex has instructors who are committed to their career and most importantly to the Members who benefit from great intsruction and now with Yoga two to three times with Alison; The Voice as our resident Yogi, what an amazing time.

Jacqui and Heather at Wellington Dance Medicine keep my Pilates Reformer sessions interesting/challenging/fun using isolation techniques with soccer balls, Bosu and 10lb free weights always pleasantly stressful :-)

My life goes along as it should with my return to part time work with a great company:
Apple Inc. ...

Auntie Visit April 2007

8 april 2007 we visited Auntie at the hospital. while her condition was grave, The Holy Spirit revealed to me that it was not unto death. she would live to see her 72nd birthday; the day Abba had preordained her room to be ready in the Mansion of Grace. The Holy Spirit also revealed to me that i would be asked to sing, i began preparing His Eye is on the Sparrow--i would be asked to sing, If i can help somebody...i knew the call would come because of this revelation!

my heart aches for my dear Mother-in-Law; for my cousin Earline and her daughters as they brushed, carressed, fed and comforted Auntie, my heart is torn as i consider my brothers-in-law and how they lovingly set aside their schedules to visit and lovingly feed Auntie--my wife and my sisters-in-law how much it must hurt to have surrendered Auntie from the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ to His Resurection escort to Heaven...for surely He has bourne our griefs and carried our sorrows

as my Mom & Dad age, my Dad speaks of Father Time and the balance which is being biased towards Heaven [my words; not his as he notices his diminishing equilibrium and balance]

Anniversary Day Photo 2010


The beauty of the past is that it is...past

random thoughts along the journey

i never thought i'd see the day i was free o'back...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Book concept on sensible, sustainable life change

i am working diligenty each day to average one completed page each day to complete a book concept to assist 50+ year olds, sick and tired of being overweight and feeling powerless to change.  persons who, like me, have worked behind a desk, behind their steering wheel or in business waiting rooms, eaten poorly and exercised little--if at all and want to take diligent small steps to improve their health....  .


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Heaven's Gain...

Heaven's Gain--Mr. Brazeal Dennard has passed from labor to reward:
What a Magnificent Man of Music, Man of God, Servant Leader!i grew up in utter wonder of The Chorale and Mr. Dennard--after procrastinating about auditioning, he simply said, "...Meet me at my home..."  He plaid his piano, i sang, he said, "...rehearsal is..."  i was in shock, i could not believe that i would be graced to sing under his great leadership and be called out by my initials, as only he could do, my initials of course being, "Yul Meade Butler"  He made me a musician...

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sprint Premier Blogger Alert!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

interesting remark from a Sister's blog she relates to losing weight, gaining it back and more and trying to rise again:
Isaiah 43:18-19.
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
Eliot's "Murder N T CaTdral." 4give us, O Lord, we acknowledge ourselves as type of T coMon man, Of T men & women who shut T dOr & sit by T fire; Who fear T bleSng of God, T lonelNeS of T night of God, T suRender required, T deprivation Nflicted; Who fear T Njustice of men leS than T justice of God; Who fear T h& at T wNdow, T fire N T thatch, T fist N T tavern, T push Nto T canal, LeS than we fear T love of God. We acknowledge our trespaS, our weakneS, our fault; we acknowledge That T sN of T world is upon our heads; that T blOd of T martyrs & T agony of T saNts Is upon our heads. Lord, have mercy upon us.
oh my, Black Rice, with just roasted Sesame Seeds for breakfast!

down to 187lbs and looking for ways to share what i have been graced to learn--"the stewardship of 'small things', as it were..."